Nicole Skaar, Associate Professor
Susan Etscheidt
Susan Larson Etscheidt is a Professor in the Department of Special Education at the University of Northern Iowa. She teaches graduate-level Special Education Law and Policy courses, as well as Special Education Law and Ethics courses for the Iowa State Education Association (ISEA) and offers leadership workshops for the Institute of Educational Leadership at UNI. Dr. Etscheidt received her Ph.D. from the University of Minnesota, with an emphasis in Disability Studies. In addition to her involvement in the educator and leadership preparation programs at UNI, Susan was appointed to serve as an Administrative Law Judge and serves as a state-level mediator for the Iowa Department of Education. As a legal and policy consultant for school districts, Susan offers professional development for teachers, administrators, and support staff. Her scholarship interests include disability law and policy development, dispute resolution, and special education praxis. She has published several books, including Special Education Law & Practice in Public Schools and Successful Inclusion for Educational Leaders, as well as national and international journal articles. Susan serves on the editorial boards for several journals, including Research and Practice for Persons with Severe Disabilities and the Journal of Disability Policy Studies. She is a recipient of the Board of Regents State of Iowa Award for Faculty Excellence, and the Winterstein Memorial Award for Meritorious Achievement in the Field of Special Education. She has also received awards for research and teaching at UNI.
Stephanie Schmitz, Assistant Professor